Monday 23 July 2007

NHS......cant afford to treat u as its not cost effective

Well i am on my soap box again...... there i was listening to my radio, when i heard that a chap in the midlands had cancer of the intestine, his local NHS trust said that they could not give him a certain drug to prolong his life as it was not cost effective, EXCUSE me, did i hear that right.... yes you did...... the NHS trust said it was not cost effective!!!!! , well again i say excuse me, but did i hear that right, these people are here to help us through major/minor medical treatments, not to say sorry but you cost to much.
I hear and see the Labour party bang on how much cancer treatment in this country has changed over the last ten years, maybe it has in some cases, but in the vast majority, your local NHS trust will say YOUR NOT COST EFFECTIVE!

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